关于钱的名言英语1、钱能叫万事应心。Money answereth all things 2、金钱永远不过时。Money never goes out of fashion 3、没钱就没有一切。No money is no everything 4、老子有钱,不怕赔!Money, n
激发灵感 英语|关于灵感的英语名言
关于灵感的英语名言1、一个人不孤独,就不会有灵感。A person is not alone, there would be no inspiration 2、清晨唤醒记忆,深夜带来灵感。The morning wake up memories, bring inspiration in t
关于目标名言英语1、没有目标,哪来的劲头?No target, which come of momentum?2、目标太多,等于没有目标。Target is too much, is no target 3、偏执也就是对目标的执著!Paranoia is clinging to the
[谦虚 英语名言]关于谦虚的英语名言
关于谦虚的英语名言1、谦虚是美和德的堡垒。Modesty is the bulwark of America and Germany 2、谦虚其心,宏大其量。His humble heart, grand its quantity 3、只有坚强的人才谦虚。Only a person st
关于美貌的英语名言1、美貌比金银更容易引起盗心。Beauty than gold and silver were more likely to lead to steal heart 2、美貌和智慧很少结合在一起。Beauty and wisdom rarely together 3、美貌
关于目标的英语名言1、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。The higher the goals and aspirations more valuable 2、每天只看目标,别老想障碍。Only look at target every day, dont want to obstacles 3
关于美的英语名言1、美,是道德上的善的象征。The United States, is a symbol of moral goodness 2、美是力量,微笑是它的剑。Beauty is power, a smile is its sword 3、美是上帝赐予的礼物。Beauty is
关于冷静的英语名言1、慈悲是一种冷静的热情。Compassion is a kind of calm 2、越是烦躁,越需要冷静。The more irritable, more need to calm 3、只要冷静,明天也是过去!As long as calm, is also the
关于快乐的英语名言1、爱是杯中有你的快乐。Love is a glass as your happiness 2、只有信念使快乐真实。Only faith make true happiness 3、我的快乐都是微小的事情。My happiness is small thing 4、今
关于乐于助人的英语名言1、助人等于助己,求人不如求己。Helping others is equal to help yourself, help yourself 2、人想不累,秘诀就是乐于辛劳。People dont think tired, secret is willing to
关于老师的名言英语1、老师就像蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人。teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others 2、教师是太阳底下再优越没有的职务了。Teachers are under the sun is adva
关于科学的英语名言1、惊奇就是科学的种子。Surprise is the seed of science 2、生产力中也包括科学。Also include the scientific productivity 3、科学实为救国第一事。Science as well as saving
关于科技的英语名言1、抓科技必须同时抓教育。Grasp the technology must grasp the education at the same time 2、富人靠科技,穷人靠变异。Science and technology the rich and the poor by
关于劳动的名言英语1、劳动本身就是一种享乐。Labor itself is a kind of enjoyment 2、劳动是一切知识的源泉。Labor is the source of all knowledge 3、劳动是崇高思想的食粮。Labor is the food of th
关于礼仪的英语名言1、委婉是一种拒绝的礼仪。Euphemism is a kind of manners refusing 2、贵族重权利,百姓重礼仪。Noble heavy rights, and the people heavy etiquette 3、长于礼仪,而陋于知人心。Lon
关于懒惰的英语名言1、懒惰成性,一发不可收拾。Bone idle, open the floodgates 2、因为懒惰,总想来日方长。Because of lazy, always wanted to have longer 3、悠闲的生活与懒惰是两回事。Carefree life a
关于礼貌的英语名言1、对你微笑,只是我的礼貌。Smile at you, just my manners 2、有礼貌的人,能走遍天下。A polite person, can travel the world 3、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。Manners make human co-exi
关于篮球的英语名言1、真正热爱篮球的人,才懂得什么是被打败。True love basketball, just to know what is defeated 2、也只剩下你与我陪伴,篮球,谢谢你带给我的一切。Also only you and me to accompany, bask
关于历史的英语名言1、历史是生活的教师。History is the teacher of life 2、一切历史都是当代史。All history is contemporary history 3、历史是国家和人类的传记。History is the biography of cou
关于借鉴历史的英语名言1、历史是胜利者的宣传。History is the winner 2、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities 3、历史不会留下一事无成者的闲言碎语。H