关于诚实的名言英语1、诚实最可贵。Honesty is the best 2、小信诚则大信立。Little reliance big xinli 3、信用是无形的资产。Credit is the intangible assets 4、诚信者,天下之结也。And the juncti
关于成长的英语名言1、抱负是高尚行为成长的萌牙。Ambition is a noble act the teething of growth 2、帮助你成长的都是你的敌人。Help you grow your enemies are 3、成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。Adversity s
关于成功和失败的英语名言1、勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。A bold attempt is half success 2、谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最美。He who laughs last laughs best 3、失败是一个事件,没有一个人。Failure is an event, not
关于成功的英语名言1、广告没有永恒的成功。Ads for the success of the eternal 2、成功的秘诀在于恒心。The secret of success is perseverance 3、奋斗在人,成功在天。In the struggle, success i
关于成功的名言英语1、抓住机遇,就能成功。Seize the opportunity, you can succeed 2、成功网罗着大量的过失。Successful snare a large fault 3、要成功,先研究成功学。To succeed, first research
关于尝试的英语名言1、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。Tolerance is the mental, YouSheng 2、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。As long as the road is right, is not afraid of road far 3、挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的
关于品格的英语名言1、思想决定品格,态度决定命运。Thought decided to character, attitude determines destiny 2、人的尊贵不在身份,而在品格。Arab noble identity, and in character 3、品格能决定人
关于尝试的名言英语1、人之所以能,是相信能。Can, is that the people can believe that 2、只有去尝试,才知道自己能做什么。Only to try to know what you can do 3、未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。He who nev
关于目标的名言英语1、目标越接近,困难越增加。Target the closer it gets, the more difficult to increase 2、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。The secret of success is the target firm 3、伟大的目标构
关于美德的英语名言1、勇而谦慎,是为美德。Yong wisely and modest, is a virtue 2、快乐应该是美德的伴侣。Happiness should be the companion of virtue 3、公正是赏罚分明者的美德。Justice is a vir
关于勤奋的名言英语1、勤奋就是成功之母。Diligence is the mother of success 2、天才是勤奋造就的。Genius is diligence 3、青春是一场勤奋的较量。Youth is a hard battle 4、工作勤奋是最值得崇拜的。Hard w
关于财富的名言英语1、生命是唯一的财富。Life is the only wealth 2、我关注的不是财富数字。My concern is not wealth 3、有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。There are a lot of friend, is better than have
名声 英语_关于名声的英语名言
关于名声的英语名言1、人的名,树的影。People, in the name of the shadow of the tree 2、名声是死者的太阳。Fame is the sun of the dead 3、名声是唯一的遗产。Fame is the only legacy 4、名声
关于名利的英语名言1、名利无穷,却止于心如沉水。Fame and fortune, but check Yu Xinru heavy water 2、看似淡泊名利,其实视它如命。Seemingly indifferent to fame and wealth, in fact it mean
关于人际关系的名言英语1、友谊是一个神圣而又古老的名字。Friendship is a sacred and ancient name 2、懂得自爱,才能得到他人的友谊。Know love, get the friendship of others 3、友谊的本质在于原谅他人的小错。Th
关于旅游的英语名言1、旅行能培养人的耐力。Travel can cultivate peoples endurance 2、旅行教给人们宽容之美德。Travel teaches people tolerant of virtue 3、好旅伴可以缩短旅途时间。A good compani
关于逆境的英语名言1、突破逆境,方能成功。Through adversity, in order to succeed 2、没有逆境,哪来逆袭?No adversity, to counter attack?3、勇敢是处于逆境时的光芒。Brave is the light in the
关于梦想的名言英语1、要忠于少年时的梦想。To be loyal to the teenagers dream 2、梦境每是现实的反面。The dream of every is the opposite of reality 3、梦想是给人生一个期许。Dream is a promi
关于旅行的英语名言1、旅行教给人们宽容之美德。Travel teaches people tolerant of virtue 2、人生是通往死亡的一次旅行。Life is a journey to the death 3、要想结为夫妻,先去旅行一次。If you want to get
关于耐心的英语名言1、面对成功,要有足够的耐心。In the face of success, to have enough patience 2、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。Patience and perseverance will get paid 3、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。E