禁烟英语名言1、小小一支烟,危害万万千。Small a smoke, harm 10000 2、让你的肺清亮一点。Let your lungs clear point 3、无烟世界,清新一片。A smoke-free world, pure and fresh 4、燃烧的是香烟,消耗的
简短英语名言1、做对的事情比把事情做对重要。Do the right thing is more important than doing things right 2、狂妄的人有救,自卑的人没有救。Prideful people, not the self-contempt 3、与时信息
简短的英语名言1、人生就像一团毛线球,越扯越乱。Life is like a ball of wool ball, the more the more disorderly 2、肯低头的人,永远不会撞到矮门。Ken looked down, never hit a low door 3、骏
坚强英语名言1、谢谢他们教会我坚强。Thank you they taught me strong 2、只有坚强的人才谦虚。Only a person strong humility 3、人在独自一人时最坚强。The most when the person is alone 4、坚强
简爱名言英语1、坐在阳光下,既宁静又舒心。Sitting in the sun, quiet and comfortable 2、至少赐予我一种新的苦役吧。At least give me a new kind of slavery 3、听的人越焦急,说的人越起劲。Listen to t
坚持的名言英语1、坚持不算正能量,笑着坚持才算。Insist on not positive energy, adhere to in order to be with a smile 2、只因你坚持不懈,所以我自成安。Because your perseverance, so I from
减肥的英语名言1、吃饱了才有力气减肥。Eat enough to have strength to lose weight 2、再难也要坚持!没借口!Again difficult also want to insist! No excuse!3、心累是最残酷的减肥方式。Heart ti
简单的英语名言1、成功就是将简单的事情重复做。Success is to do simple things repeatedly 2、平凡简单,安于平凡,真不简单。Ordinary simple, content with ordinary, its not simple 3、成功就是简
坚持不懈的英语名言1、坚持者能在命运风暴中奋斗。Holdouts to strive in the storm of fate 2、坚持自己坚持的,总会有结果。Insist on your insist, there will always be the result 3、你说过坚持不懈永
加菲猫名言英语1、我很懒,我很胖,我以此为荣。Im lazy, Im fat, I am proud of it 2、有了意大利面,谁还会吃老鼠呢?With pasta, who also eat the mouse?3、要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。Save water Sho
继续努力名言英语1、没有失败经验的人,不可能成功。Could not succeed without failure experience 2、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。No excuses for failure, want to find methods for success
激励人的名言英语1、通过苦难,走向欢乐。Through the suffering, to joy 2、相信他说的话,但不要当真。Believe him, but dont take it seriously 3、我只看我拥有,不看我没有的。I only watch, I have n
激励自己的英语名言1、不怕路长,只怕志短。Not afraid of road is long, is short 2、你有多努力,就有多幸运。How ever you may work hard, you will have much luck 3、自己去做吧。不要依赖别人。Do it
和兴趣有关的英语名言1、兴趣是种子,行动是果实。Interest is the seed, the action are the fruits 2、哪里没有兴趣,哪里就没有记忆。Where there is no interest, where there is no memory 3、天
激励人心的英语名言1、上帝保佑起得早的人。God bless people get up early 2、应该相信,自己是生活的强者。Should believe that he is the strong of life 3、当机会来临时,你已经准备好了。When an opportu
激励人的英语名言1、努力是成功之母。Hard work is the mother of success 2、认真做人,踏实做事!Serious person, practical work!3、我成功因为我志在成功!I succeeded because I aim at succes
关于心情的英语句子1、不能陪你到最后,是要有多遗憾。Can not accompany you to the end, is to have more regrets 2、在我失眠的时候,你要抱着我睡。In my insomnia, you have to hold me to sleep
好好学习的英语名言1、遇到困难不低头,要迎难而上。Difficulties do not bow, to reload 2、奋战过而失败,强于根本未战。Fought and lost, than was never fought 3、天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。Genius only m
海伦凯勒的名言英语1、心还在,希望便不会消失。Heart is still there, hope will not disappear 2、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。As long as the sun, will not see the shadow 3、我只看我拥有,不看我没有的
哈佛名言英语1、不要把今天的事拖到明天。Dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today 2、勇气只是多跨一步超越恐惧。Just across the step beyond fear more courage 3、所有人的成功都不是偶然